Monday, June 27, 2011

We Made It Through Kindergarten

It all started September 2010, we sent our baby girl off to her very first day of school.  She was super dooper excited.  As for me, I it was an emotional roller coaster.  I was excited to see her so excited to enter the "big girl" world.  But terrified she was going to be exposed to so much.  A school yard seemed so open that anyone could just come and snatch her.  I kept telling myself, I'm not the first mom to send their baby off to school, and the first day is the hardest.

With that in mind, we got her backpack together, new school outfit on and had a delicious breakfast at home.

The morning went smooth and I hoped I was created great memories that she would remember forever.  I was doing great, not a tear in my eye.  Since it was the first day, despite her wishes, I drove her to school.  As I started to walk to those front doors to deliver my baby to the wolves, I could feel my heart swell and a large lump develop in my throat.  Do you think my brave little girl dared to look back?  Nope, she was full speed ahead.  She knew exactly where her room was. We entered her room and she put her backpack in it's special place she took a seat at her table.

That's when the water works started, I had to leave the room.  A dear neighbor who's daughter was also in Morgan's class was so sweet and comforting to me that morning.  I knew I couldn't let Morgan see me so I quickly took a few pictures, gave my kisses goodbye and headed home.  I did it!

One of the biggest highlights for Morgan was being able to ride the bus to school.  Because of our work schedules, the daycare drove her to and from school.  A handful of time she got to ride the bus.

That's her with the pick Barbie backpack

Morgan has changed by leaps and bounds this year.  It has been a roller coaster of battles and victories. She has had her share of tough days and trying to learn something new.  However, when it finally sticks, the sense of accomplishment is so amazing to see in her face.

On her last day of school, they had a special kindergarten program all prepared for the parents.  Our morning was a little more relaxed and I was fortunate to again be at home to send her to school.  However, on this morning, I let her ride the bus, I'm not sure what the big deal is, but she loves it.

She is all about doing a pose for the camera

Morgan is in the front row, center

It was an amazing year, and we were so fortunate to have the best kindergarten teacher.  Looking ahead, we can't wait for Baby Brooke to start kindergarten so she can be with Mrs. G.

And yes, the first day was the hardest. 


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