Monday, August 19, 2013

Only Slightly Crazy

I had trained hard for nearly 5 months for my first half marathon. I had my miles up and wanted to keep the momentum going. After a little coaxing I decided to sign up for the See Jane Run Half Marathon. It's a race geared towards females and it ends with wine and chocolate. Sounds perfect, right?

The reality was there was two months in between the two races. Therefore, I needed to continuing running to make sure I was in shape.  Sounds easy enough.  Luckily for Washingtonians the summer was finally here and the weather was warming up. Unfortunately, for me I trained in the cold and rain. Running in the heat was a lot harder. We were only able to complete two miles out of our typical 5 mile route. Trying different times of the day helped but working full time and with a family at home, I don't have a lot if spare time. Needless to say training took a backseat. 

The race started at 8a. Perfect for a day that's expected to be in the upper 80s. Ready or not I was about to start my second half marathon.  I was planning on absorbing the energy of the people to get me through and hopefully have a good time with my friends. 

The route was mostly flat and along the water in Seattle with 2 out and backs. The second one meant we ran past our starting point and turned around to come back and finish (YUCK). Those are torture for me.  Its like a mind game the route is playing with your head.  After walking only a couple of times we finally crossed the finish line.

I posted this picture on FB. I really was glad this race was over. 

Overall it was a great day. The pain is almost a distant memory. 

Not my best performance but an accomplishment nonetheless. My lesson in this...train train train. 

Stats: 13.1 miles 2:32:48 

Monday, August 12, 2013

Camping 2013 - Fort Stevens, Oregon

Our first camping trip of the season finally happened the end of July.  We headed to Fort Stevens for a long weekend.  Fort Stevens is near Astoria, Oregon.

The weather literally changed dramatically once we got down there.  It was a good thing I packed us a pair of pants "just in case."   The weather didn't stop us from exploring this huge campground.  Morgan attended the Junior Ranger program and learned all about owls.  We rode our bikes all around the campground checking out the bunkers, lake and beach.

Brooke loved the beach.  Oh to be a kid and just slide your body in the soft sand.  Luckily the showers were convenient and clean.

This camping trip we got to spend some time with Jeremy and Emerson for a few days.  While momma stayed home with their new baby. Emerson and Brooke had a blast together.  There's something more fun about camping with a friend.

Even with the weather being a little chilly we managed to have a great time hanging out together.

Grandma Diana even treated us to root beer floats.  What a great treat!

This was Beau's first camping trip with the family.  He wanted to play with every dog that walked by, but eventually realized he was on vacation and needed to relax.   

Fort Stevens was a great campground and I would recommend going.  Lots to explore on the campground itself and easy to checkout Astoria or Seaside for a day trip.  Just remember to pack a pair of pants "just in case."

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Three to Five

Running on my own doesn't happen very often.  I definitely prefer running with a partner and chatting about life or our favorite reality TV show.   However, today I had scheduled myself for a run.  Which is like saying it out loud to someone.  So therefore I had to go. 

I left my driveway with no real route planned. I knew I wanted to do three miles and I knew I did not want to hit the trail alone.  As I headed for a main road that was recently under construction I figured this normally busy road might not be too bad.  So off I went. 

As I started running the straight stretch I started to think about where I wanted to go.  I also started to think the "that's too far" road might actually not be too bad.  As I hit 2 miles it was decision time. Do I turn around and do 4 miles (more than my plan) or see how far I really could go. I decided to keep going. 

I haven't felt confident in my runs this past month.  I have another half marathon planned and needed to get some longer runs in. The warmer weather has taken its toll and my long runs haven't happen. The route today wasn't really about the miles it was more about running because I wanted to run. Proving to myself I can run on my own. My own route, my own schedule, and alone with my thoughts. I suppose you might say it was the confidence booster I needed. 

I have no plans to continue this solo running. I would much rather run with a partner.  However, it is nice to know I will survive on my own if I need to. 

Tot Soccer

From the time I was pregnant with Brooke I joked about how this little lady was probably going to be our soccer/baseball girl.  Sure enough, Miss Brooke is a little more active than our dancing Morgan.  When our friend Nicole contacted me and said she found a Tot Soccer program for our kiddos, I was very excited.

Finding an activity for Miss Brooke that works with our schedule and her age group has been a bit challenging.  Hearing that this Tot Soccer program was on Sunday afternoons and for her age group, I was on board with the idea quickly.

When we arrive for "practice" all the kiddos line-up for roll call.  Brooke was so excited to start soccer, but stood there patiently waiting for her name to be called.

"Soccer players go get a yellow ball."  Finally some ball action!

First we need to listen to a few of the rules.  Rule Number 1 - No hands on the ball.

Brooke took this rule VERY seriously.  She was a very focused little lady.

When it was time to listen to the coach.  They need get in their "soccer pose."   How cute is she?!?!

Time for more instructions from the coach.

This program lasts only 1/2 hour and is definitely an introduction to the sport.  They play a few non-competitive games to get the kids used to kicking the soccer ball and listening to the coach.  It's perfect for a 3 1/2 year olds attention span.  

I think she had a good time.  I can't wait to see this little lady grow and play more soccer in the future.