Thursday, August 25, 2011

Port Townsend

Our second camping trip this year took us north to Port Townsend staying at Fort Worden State Park.  This was a very pleasant and relaxing getaway.  Fort Worden is close to town and sightseeing options, has a wonderful beach and was quiet at all the right moments.

We enjoyed lots of beach time.  Brooke wasn't too sure about the sand and it took a lot of coaxing to get her from our arms to sitting on the blanket in the sand.  Eventually, she was throwing rocks in the water like sissy.

One of the fun things to do in Port Townsend is the Farmer's Market.  This was serious business for all the locals.  It appeared everyone wanted to arrive early before all the goods disappeared.  All the fruits and veggies looked delicious and we found this adorable headband for Morgan.

People watching is always fun in a new town.

If we even stop for one moment Brooke wanted OUT of the stroller. 

But I must say the highlight of this camping trip was Morgan loosing her VERY FIRST TOOTH!

As you can see from the picture her adult tooth is already there.  It came in behind her baby tooth about a month earlier.  Since it wasn't pushing the baby tooth out, the most likely option would have been having the dentist full the tooth.  I was very relieved when this little baby tooth decided to come out on its own.  Mostly because I wanted her to experience loosing her first tooth.  Okay, really I wanted to experience it.

We did have two other memorable experiences on this trip.  One I won't mention, I've paid my dues and the matter is done and over.  The other was more of a grandma/granddaughter memory.  While I enjoyed some girl time away with Krista, apparently a squirrel decided we had some delicious treats in our tent trailer.  Yes, a squirrel.  Morgan was the one who walked in on this adorable little creature nibbling on her cookies.  She flew out as fast as lightening yelling for Grandma.  Grandma's quick thinking had Morgan hold the door open while she scared the critter out.  Brooke was relaxing her stroller enjoying the show.

I think one of my favorite parts about this trip was being so close to the water.  When I think of camping, I imagine being somewhere deep in the woods (with conveniences of course).  I didn't even think about a locating closer to the Sound.  Even though our campsite was a short drive to the beach, it was definitely easy to get to.  I could sit in the beach with my toes in the sand, and watching all the passersby all day long and be totally at peace.  We enjoyed the company of our family, the girls laughed, played and went to bed exhausted every day. I'd say once again, this was a successful camping trip, squirrel and all.

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