Monday, June 27, 2011

We Made It Through Kindergarten

It all started September 2010, we sent our baby girl off to her very first day of school.  She was super dooper excited.  As for me, I it was an emotional roller coaster.  I was excited to see her so excited to enter the "big girl" world.  But terrified she was going to be exposed to so much.  A school yard seemed so open that anyone could just come and snatch her.  I kept telling myself, I'm not the first mom to send their baby off to school, and the first day is the hardest.

With that in mind, we got her backpack together, new school outfit on and had a delicious breakfast at home.

The morning went smooth and I hoped I was created great memories that she would remember forever.  I was doing great, not a tear in my eye.  Since it was the first day, despite her wishes, I drove her to school.  As I started to walk to those front doors to deliver my baby to the wolves, I could feel my heart swell and a large lump develop in my throat.  Do you think my brave little girl dared to look back?  Nope, she was full speed ahead.  She knew exactly where her room was. We entered her room and she put her backpack in it's special place she took a seat at her table.

That's when the water works started, I had to leave the room.  A dear neighbor who's daughter was also in Morgan's class was so sweet and comforting to me that morning.  I knew I couldn't let Morgan see me so I quickly took a few pictures, gave my kisses goodbye and headed home.  I did it!

One of the biggest highlights for Morgan was being able to ride the bus to school.  Because of our work schedules, the daycare drove her to and from school.  A handful of time she got to ride the bus.

That's her with the pick Barbie backpack

Morgan has changed by leaps and bounds this year.  It has been a roller coaster of battles and victories. She has had her share of tough days and trying to learn something new.  However, when it finally sticks, the sense of accomplishment is so amazing to see in her face.

On her last day of school, they had a special kindergarten program all prepared for the parents.  Our morning was a little more relaxed and I was fortunate to again be at home to send her to school.  However, on this morning, I let her ride the bus, I'm not sure what the big deal is, but she loves it.

She is all about doing a pose for the camera

Morgan is in the front row, center

It was an amazing year, and we were so fortunate to have the best kindergarten teacher.  Looking ahead, we can't wait for Baby Brooke to start kindergarten so she can be with Mrs. G.

And yes, the first day was the hardest. 


Saturday, June 11, 2011


Three years, four leotards, four pairs of ballet slippers, 2 pairs of tap shoes and spending every Saturday morning at practice leads to Morgan's second ballet performance. 

It was a fun-filled week of running to pictures on one night, rehearsal on another and the final performance on Saturday.  All three days included being in full costume (bun included).  Morgan loved every moment of it.  She stood patiently while I twisted and pinned all those little hairs into place.  Closed her eyes tightly while I plastered sprayed hairspray to keep everything in place.  The little ones only wear just a touch of make-up.  Some blush and lipstick and we were done.

This year, her performance was at a much larger theater in town.  You never know how a little one is going to react once they are on stage with all those eyes watching.  Morgan was very excited, she secretly loves the attention.  I love that she has no fear and is comfortable with this part of her life.  When she is at ballet she stands tall, works hard to get the pose right and the best part is she is confident in what she is doing.

Since she is considered a "2nd year" in her class, which means she is one of the leaders.  This was important to her to help teach the younger girls and best of all she was the "leader of the snake" during the performance.  My little sunshine, was front row, center when they all entered the stage.  The beautiful music began and they immediately looked to the side of the stage for their teacher's instructions.  Morgan also looked but only briefly and then continued with the routine.  After only about 3 minutes, their routine was finished and they all did their curtsy. 

Seeing Morgan being so brave and confident on that stage makes every Saturday spent at the ballet studio worth it.

Here is a little slide show of our little ballerina:

P.S. Thank you Miss Courtney for taking some beautiful pictures before the performance.

Friday, June 3, 2011

You're Awesome - PART TWO

The main purpose for going to the Fun Run was to help out my favorite little Kindergartner.  Remember she has been talking about it for the two weeks leading up to the run.  She gets very excited knowing that I am coming to the school.  How could I say "no" to this face?

As part of their gearing up, the kids made a special banner to parade into the gym with.

Since I was busy helping mark the kid's cards, I wasn't able to take many pictures.  Fortunately, it was a day off for Grandma Diana so she came to help cheer on the kids (and take a few pictures too).  Thanks Diana!!!
Morgan is in the first row, second from left
Everyone pose for the camera!  Have you ever watched a kindergarten teacher wrangle 20+ kids for a group picture?  I'm exhausted just thinking about it.

Ready, set, run!!!

Her group ran for about 20 minutes.  About half way through, Morgan got a pretty sore tummy.  As many of you know, we take Morgan's tummy pains pretty serious (maybe another post about that story).  But after a brief rest and some cold water, she was back at it.

The final reward was a popsicle and a special ribbon.   Good Job Honey!!!

Check out my original post regarding the Fun Run You're Awesome