Sunday, May 15, 2011


What is the magic age a baby becomes a toddler?  If I determine it by the weekly emails I get showing Brooke's status, she was a toddler at 12 months.  Personally, I still think 12 months is considered a baby.  Maybe it's because at 12 months they are becoming more mobile and toddling around?  Now that Brooke is 18 months I definitely consider her to be a toddler.

She is definitely a mover, climber, dancer and a mess maker.  When we are at home, she usually stays pretty close to momma.  It's amazing how within only five feet of me, she can manage to climb onto a chair and then onto the kitchen table.  She has mastered the step stool and knows how to position it in just the right spot to get what's on the counter.  If the step stool isn't available, no worries, she knows how to get a chair.

Independence (deep sigh)...  I think this is comes with the territory.  This is the time that she is testing and pushing herself.  She is insistent on feeding herself.  The thought of me putting the item on the fork, can turn into a melt down.  One morning she was eating oatmeal, things were going well so I started to clean up the kitchen.  Within a matter of minutes, she gave up on the spoon and decided hands worked better.  I wish I would have been quicker with the camera, it was quite the sight.  However, with independence we have also noticed defiance.  Yep, she got her first time-out the other day.   We have discovered that we need to keep ALL writing utensils far far away.  On this particular day, she found a black crayon and began to write on the wall.  After a "no, no, no, give me the crayon", she looked at me and proceeded to continue with her art project.  Into time-out she went. 

She can understand so much and does a great job of trying to communicate with us.  I have found that if I ask her to "show me" and will usually lead me to what she needs.  This works well if her favorite blanky is stuck in the crib or if she wants a snack or milk.  Because she can point me in the right direction, I can usually figure it out.  She does a great job trying to say names.  We often call Morgan "Sissy" and this seems to be easier for her say.  This morning I was in the garage with her and as I got what I needed out of the freezer she said to me "come on momma" and used a hand gesture for me to follow.  It may not have sounded like that to anyone else, but I know I heard "come on momma". 

Dora is so patient while Brooke leans in for a kiss

 When it's nice outside we usually head to the backyard for some fun.

Uncle Kasey is Brooke's new best friend.  She lights up when she sees Kasey. 

This is my absolute most favorite time.  When Brooke was a baby, she held and snuggled with me because she needed me.  When she became more mobile all she wanted was to wiggle from my arms and go, go, go.  She is active now more than every but when she holds me and rest her head on my shoulder, I know it's because she wants me.  It's the most amazing feeling in the world. 

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