Saturday, November 2, 2013

3rd Grade? Are You Sure?

How is it possible my little kindergartner is now in 3rd grade? Seriously?  I remember my first day of 3rd grade and Mrs. Patten asking the class what we were looking forward to most that year. For me, it was cursive.  Morgan was also excited about learning cursive this year.  She was also hoping to get Mr. F. as her teacher.  Lucky us, she did!

Here's a couple of pictures from the open house.  Morgan's first year with a "real" desk - woo hoo!!!

The next morning Casey and I both stayed home from work to wish Morgan luck on her first day of school.  For Morgan's breakfast she chose a "one-eyed egg".  Thanks Grandpa Tom for the tip, she's hooked!

Brooke isn't a fan of eggs, but this morning she was willing to have some scrambled eggs.

With the bellies full, she is off to catch the bus.  Not before we could take a few "front door" pictures.  The poses this girl does, cracks me up. 

I love this one with Brooke photo bombing the picture.

Not only was it Morgan's first day of school.  September also means a transition at daycare.  Brooke gets to move across the hall to the Robot Room.


The first day of school was a success and everyone had a great day!

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