Sunday, April 21, 2013

Running Group 2013 - Week 14

Yes, I'm still going strong with running group. Just not so strong with posting updates.  This week was a significant milestone for me so I felt that I needed to share my experience.

12 miles. That's what faced me at week 14. Looking back to January, I refused to look too far ahead in the training packet. I only wanted to know what I needed to accomplish for the week I was in. I had to believe that if I followed the plan I would be prepared to run a half marathon.  Week 14 (12 miles) was too far away for me to think about. Well, yesterday was the day.  The route I didn't want to talk about. The route I didn't think I could do. The route to Ruddell road and back.

I decided to treat this day the same as any other day.  I got up before everyone else in the house. Got my running clothes on. Thought about which jacket to wear and decided on the one I always wear. Ate breakfast and headed for our starting point. I was just going to run.  Not think about the distance.  Not think about where I was going. Not think about possibly running 12 miles in the rain.  Not let the pain in my hip stop me.  I'm just going to run.

The morning was cold and brisk but not raining and there were patches of blue sky. I must say the weather was definitely a helper. I also tried something new.  Shot Bloks. Little gummy candies made to replenish some of the sugar levels in your body.  Running that far and for that long can deplete a lot out of you (imagine that). Not sure how my body would react, I was a little worried about eating them.  Turns out they worked great for me and I definitely noticed a difference.

The other training group members and water station folks are usual faces on Saturday mornings.  This Saturday morning we got a few surprise "drive-byes!" We were encouraged my our smiling babies and supportive husbands.  While running down the sidewalk we hear "MOMMY!!!"  It was my sweet little Brooke making sure I saw her and I sure did!  Seeing them cheer us on means so much.  I love that my girls see me being healthy. I love that they are excited to see me running. They don't know how far 12 miles is, or how worried I was to run it.  They just see me doing it, full steam ahead.

12 miles D.O.N.E.

Stats 12 miles, 2:18mins (BTW- I can't believe I can run for over two hours)

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