It's hard to believe it's been a year since her last dance performance. Recital week is an exciting but busy week. On one night we have pictures, another is rehearsal and finally.... the performance. Each evening requires Morgan to be in full costume which includes her hair in a bun (which by the way, I am getting pretty good at). Some of our friends have kids in two classes, which means double the work. Something to keep in mind for the future. While it is busy, and I often have a hard time keeping Morgan focused and on track, I do love the week.
I didn't grow up in dance and back when I dreamt of having a child, dance lessons was the farthest thought from my mind. However, seeing Morgan with her hair slicked back and wearing her costume makes me so proud of her.
I love some of these ballet pictures because she is smiling so big and yep, she's missing those two front teeth.
We were lucky to have one of Morgan's sweet friends come along with us for the performance.
Our friend Allie also had her performance at the same time. It was so great to see her performing Jazz. We were so excited at the end of the performance to see Allie and Morgan walk out on stage together! I know it made Morgan's day! Allie is one of the lucky ones that got to come back the next day for another performance.
Unfortunately, during the performance we aren't allowed to take any pictures. But we had the best seats for watching Morgan shine. Afterwards, she got to visit with some of her fans outside.
The Grandmas...
The Grandpas....
The proud mom and dad...
Morgan is so in love with ballet. I have no idea how far she'll want to do, but I know she loves every moment of lessons. If you can't tell from the smile below she just sparkles!
I couldn't be more proud of this amazing ballerina.